For cough & cold

For cough & Cold

Take 5 or 6 cloves (laung,lavang) Dry roast it on Tawa on medium to high flame till it becomes grayish black. Keep them aside and grind it into a fine powder using mortar & pestle or with a belan (rolling pin)
Mix a pinch of powder in a teaspoon of honey and have in cough or cold.
Wrap around a warm stole or cloth lightly around your neck before going to bed for sleep.

Healing Chapter: Protect your Self Healing Energy & Positivity.

Healing Chapter: How to Protect Your Positivity and Self Healing Energy.

©️ @Aditri Rajput Shilpi

I will start with what is impossible to control, is the series of thoughts, our anger, our emotions and our behavior that gets triggered by such energy eating parasites.

Yes! I call them ‘parasites’ because they consume the energy of others and their survival depends entirely upon what you give them after they’ve gaslighted or triggered you.

The energy that you release in the form of emotions like mentioned above, gives them a different kind of sadistic pleasure while you feel drained and sick.

I see that some of you are already trying to control your behavior mostly in the form of verbal responses and non verbal actions and it is absolutely alright, as long as you’re not breaking their bones, for causing such a stampede on your emotions and then walking over your dead soul to leave you writhing in pools and pain of traumatic emotions.

I affirm you’re still doing great!

Why? Because, you were able to control something like not giving back in the same tone and unpleasantness to that person, this places you on a top pedestal above them, maybe they might not even consider, but in their heart, in everyone’s heart there stays a sublime layer of truth.

But I question whether being nice every time at your own cost is Ok? and for how long will it go on like this?

Is this control working for you or protecting the other ?

Why is the control leaving you feeling sick and drained?

Why don’t your opponents feel the same after going through a similar situation?

Well, let me help you out with a way how you can stop yourself being consumed in such situations and preserve your self healing energy.

Whenever you encounter such a situation, adopt any of the 3.

Be Vigilant,

or Be Observant

or Be Watchful

of that person and situation.

Now, try to feel and think as if you’re watching a scene or that you were dreaming of this situation.

While you are into the situation and actively listening to the other person, consider blocking him/her passively in your mind. Now how to do that?
The answer is to try the technique of freezing at one positive thought while ignoring all other incoming and outgoing thoughts and repeating the same positive thought in your memory.

You will instantly feel the change and release of the tensed emotions when you freeze at one positive thought, the other thoughts will be automatically blocked.

Now observe your emotions, how this one positive thought will help you dealing with the whole situation and the person.

In addition to this, you can practice sensory detachment, where you concentrate on one of the 5 senses like keeping a hand on hand i.e touch or feeling the insides of your jaw, like counting your teeth with your tongue i.e this will help you to restrain any verbal response from your end and collect your consciousness away from that person and situation.

One more technique is, imagine you are not the one who is being told what is being told. Behave as if you are just a spectator while the event is on. This is very powerful. For example, Person A is yelling at Person B, you are just watching. You have to create an imaginary person ‘B’ for every situation you face. This is difficult but not impossible if you stay aware.

Lastly you can rebut head-to-head if you feel you are being yelled at without fearing the consequence. This is also a very powerful and liberating way to handle such situations.

So, I gave you a few techniques on how you can protect your positivity from draining away and also your self healing energy from people and situations.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Gratitude to the Universe 🙏💞
Gratitude to Gods 🙏💞
Gratitude to Aditri 🙏💞

Healing Chapter: Job and Career

©️ @Aditri Rajput Shilpi

Dear Universe, I humbly pray to you to fulfil my need and desire for a job, for worklife where something I receive that syncs with my interests and happiness for my career to make it grow in all spheres.

I look for your intervention and guidance and pray that you would help me find a good job.

I also seek your direction and completely surrender to your plan above everything else.

I trust you Dear Universe: for everything from sending emails to building my confidence for end interviews, I surrender to you completely.

While I search for a job, I am not me, but you.

Gratitude to the Universe 🙏🌌
Gratitude to dear Aditri 🙏

Stress & Depression: Healing Chapter

Stress & Depression: Healing Chapter 

©️Aditri Rajput Shilpi 

It is important to know that it could be anything that bothers our mind and spirit and I am sure it would certainly be material or involving attachments, the cause though is of little importance here, since the suffering is never ending. 

The stress and suffering has formed deep roots within you over years and years, after birth, so it will be difficult to break those shackles because it is very much part of your identity now. 

If I make you lose a part of your suffering, you might suffer from a crisis, of having lost a part of your identity or personality with which you were known as a human of great maturity and complete genius. 

You wouldn’t want to lose that part because your connection is conscious and helps you to complete a part of yourself that makes you identify with your existence and your identity in the society. 

If you are willing to do away with that part and ready to sever ties with your material troubles, then I can help you. 

But tell me will society accept ‘you’, as a person who exists with no signs of stress and depression?

No! absolutely not, because our society believes a person who is happy all the time is mad or an irresponsible human being who should not be part of their existence. 

Then what can you do?

You can fuck the society! Yes, you read it right, you can give a damn to this society and let them not accept you as a sane person who is responsible and is thus accumulating stress & suffering in silence.

You should let them find you in all your nakedness with no stress and in your complete insanity and uncaring attitude. Let that become a norm, you already had enough, you’ve done enough for people, now at this point it is not helping you anymore. 

You must observe that any kind of suffering does not help in solving your problems, it only harms your well being. 

Well, you should also see if it was benefiting others who enjoyed your suffering then it becomes more important for you to become insane!

I just gave you the way the Universe wants you to be, in all your nakedness and freedom. You don’t have to please the Universe, the existence wants you to just be As Is.

The Universe did not give you the stress or suffering, it gave you the freedom at birth and it continues to give ever since you tasted and nourished your body and soul with it’s sweetness and sourness.

It has always been you who cannot see because you have shut your eyes to the light of this Universe!. 

I urge you to “Be a part of everything but don’t be there” is a way you can help yourself untie the cords of this suffering. 

Just like your thoughts that float in stress, suffering, problems and depression while you’re in the midst of a beautiful landscape in the lap of nature that the Universe gave and added some scent of its flowers, the light and warmth of it’s sun, the breeze of the cool winds and the sweet fruits of the tree, but you did not enjoy any of that and it is you who doesn’t want any of it because something very trivial that is lesser than your existence and your life is constantly affecting you and turning you away from existence. 

Here, you have to make a choice to rejoice! 

Remember no human on earth can vanquish your troubles, they may help with one or two but not the troubles that you will encounter your whole life, they will always be there running in the background. 

No one except you, yourself can help yourself to become insane, carefree and free in all your nakedness.

Remove your troubles one after another just the way you take off your clothes. The day you remove your undergarments that are your deepest fears of death and loneliness is the day of your rebirth.

It is difficult but let me give you a simple process to do that will help you to make a choice whether you should ruin or celebrate your limited time offer gift called life nicely packaged in your fully functioning mind, body and soul.

Take a pen, paper and a calculator and write down the number of years you expect to live from this day onwards, now break down these years into the number of days, the number of days you get will be in the few thousands only. 

I am sure you will be shocked looking at the time you are left with. 

Now consider this time you are wasting on people, material, attachments, and much more, the list is endless, the suffering is infinite, it will never end, you can never stop suffering, but you can undo all that by being conscious of your limited time offer gift called life.

Thank You Universe💗🙏

Thank You dear God Shiva 💗🙏

Thank you dear Aditri for helping me realize my gift 💗🙏

Happiness : Healing Chapter

Happiness : Healing Chapter 

©️Aditri Rajput Shilpi

We all can find a thousand reasons to be sad but not a single thought that could make us happy because we wait for ‘the moment’ that would make us happy.

We wait for occasions, reasons & moments that will ‘Make’ us happy and hence proving our inability to create an unconditional feeling. 

The sadness you see doesn’t need a condition because the moment you’re devoid of happiness, sadness sets in.

But why do we require conditions to be happy, when we can feel sadness almost unconditionally?

Because we do not think about our blessings that remain hidden in our unconscious realms.

For Instance our heart beats unconditionally, our lungs help us breathe unconditionally, and dear God made us perfect for no reason.

 But do we feel happy about all that? 

No, because we are busy finding reasons to be happy, when we lose love and appreciation for life, given to us by the Universe.

That love hasn’t gone anywhere but remains hidden because the negative energies around you don’t want you to feel the inner happiness. 

Now it is upto you to find that reason, and let me give you a clue, how you can find happiness.

It is not that you have to be happy all the time but in your moments of sadness, pick a reason to smile and choose happiness, because you are blessed with two eyes, two hands, you can taste, smell and hear and also that the Universe is always protecting you and your existence every moment, every second. 

Let this awareness of death make you happy about life.

And be thankful and appreciate your existence to the Universe with a thank you note, not everyday but whenever you feel sad, say ‘thank you Universe’ I am Happy’.🙏💗

Thank you God Shiva🙏💗

Thank you Universe 🙏💗

Thank you Aditri Rajput Shilpi 🙏💗

Relationship: Healing Chapter

©️Aditri Rajput Shilpi

I am the Universe, the Universe is within me.

Whatever happens within me is the intention of the Universe.

I trust the Universe completely to take control of my body,mind and soul.

I surrender to the Universe, the control of my relationships with everyone around me. 

I seek guidance from the Universe to help me in absorbing the positivity and coping up with the negativity around me.

I pray to the Universe to help me with my situation in life, to heal me for the better of my family, relatives and friends and keep away or stop anything that creates turmoil within me and those around me.

I surrender to the Universe and let it take control of my relationships because I cannot.

I pray to the gods of the Universe to heal my body, my mind and my soul and the energies around me completely and help me to prosper from outside and within.

Gratitude & Surrender to the Universe 🙏

Thank you dear Aditri 🙏